We study the quantum mechanical ground states that emerge in highly crystalline materials. This sub-field of condensed matter science targets the concepts of emergence (the "total" of the system is more than the sum of its parts) and topology (properties protected against weak perturbations) as means for extracting functionality. Calling upon the disciplines of chemistry, materials science and solid state physics, we aim to realize novel platforms that have a high degree of experimental accessibility through a "bottom-up" design approach, and which display novel electrical, optical and thermal phenomena. Our main tool is thin-film epitaxy, where we deposit the material of interest upon crystalline substrates in single-atomic layers.
While specific research topics are always evolving, the panels below provide an overview of the techniques we employ and the overarching research directions.
Thin film epitaxy
High quality materials are the most important component of modern condensed matter research. We specialize in growing thin films of novel materials using molecular beam epitaxy. This technique uses the finite vapor pressure of materials to evaporate an elemental beam upon a crystal substrate. Using this technique, complex layered crystals are synthesized on an atomic scale with very low defect densities. Our ultra-high vacuum system offers access to the growth of a wide class of materials, including oxides, pnictides and chalcogenides. The system is equipped with an ultra-high power laser annealing system that produces atomically flat surfaces in extremely clean ultra-high vacuum. By interfacing this with a glove box system, air-sensitive materials are crafted and physically characterized in an inert atmosphere.
Physical probes
Good materials must then be paired with the right kind of experimental probes. We go beyond pure synthesis by evaluating our materials in extreme environments. We study their chemical, structural, electronic and optical properties by custom designing experimental apparatus. These experiments take place in extreme environments, such as high magnetic fields (B>10T), high pressures (P~GPa) and extremely low temperatures (T<1K). This is facilitated by crafting materials into bespoke devices whereby specific thermodynamic information may be obtained. Efficient feedback of experimental outcomes into the growth procedure enables fine tuning of the sample growth procedure to bring steady improvements in crystal quality.
Our research is made possible by the support from the following funding agencies.